Real-Time Statistics

Which are the most popular event types? The most popular venues for weddings? How much are people spending on different types of event? How is performing as a lead generator?

Answers to all these questions and more in our NEW real-time statistics page.

Coming soon - even more detailed stats for Members Only to help them reposition and grow their business to meet market demands...

Budgets Leads Statistics

Image depicting statistics page

We are delighted to launch what is the first incarnation of our Live Statistics Page. This is something we had planned to reveal later in the year but with all of the uncertainty surrounding Covid-19 we thought we'd rush out an early preview whilst we continue to work on new data sets in the background. We will soon be launching an area-by-area comparison available to subscribers only and will provide more details in due course.

For the time being, you can see:

A breakdown of the types of events coming through the request process over the past 12 months

A summary of the types of venues being used for different types of parties and the comparative prevalence

How much people are telling us they are prepared to spend on their DJ for different types of event, compared to how much they are actually paying once they agree to book

As well as mobile discos, we accept enquiries for lots of other party-related services too - take a look and see how popular these services are to decide whether you want to expand or contract your service offerings

How is performing? This chart compares 2020 to date with the equivalent days of 2019, and up until Covid-19 we were actually doing rather well!

We hope that our members will find this information useful and help them steer their business through the Covid-19 crisis, putting them on a firm footing for the future.